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Event Speakers

1st International Conference on Steroid Hormones and Receptors

  • Date: October 16 — 18, 2024
  • Location: University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center


Massimiliano Caprio is Professor of Endocrinology at San Raffaele Roma University. He is the head of the Laboratories of Cardiovascular Endocrinology at the Research Center of IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana in Rome, and works as a consultant endocrinologist and diabetologist . He has an internationally recognized expertise in the exploration of the roles of mineralocorticoid receptor activation in obe

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Role of novel estrogens in preventing menopause associated obesity and metabolic syndrome

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Dr. Jennifer Richer, Professor with tenure, Department of Pathology, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, has studied steroid hormone receptor action in breast for over 25 years. Translational studies from her lab led to two completed clinical trials targeting the androgen receptor in primary and metastatic breast cancer. The Richer lab also discovered a mechanism by which carcinomas c